Flyers and leaflets are used in order to make known a company, a product or a service. These are effective in promoting. The quality of the images and conveyed messages are essential to the image of a flyer. Leaflets and flyers can be sent via e-mail or given personally, they can also be glued, or left in the key places. They are powerful marketing tools and are among the cheapest and easy method to produce.
Flyers are just a front page or front / back , with sizes ranging from A6, A5 and A4 max. And leaflets are 2 pages front / back , with sizes ranging from A6, A5 and A3 max.
With leaflets and flyers your company will reach the target audience and make a famous brand. Just need to reflect both the visual identity of the company as well as the full potential of products or services, for this reason the graphics must be made qualitative, bringing with them appreciation of clients and of business partners.