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What is a web banner?

What is a web banner?

Advertising on the Internet has become a necessity in this era of computers. A web banner is a form of internet advertising. This form of online advertising entails embedding an advertisement into a web page. It is intended to attract traffic to a website by linking to the advertiser's website.

Shortly, a web banner it's a  graphic image used on Web sites to advertise a product or service.

Images from banners are usually of good quality. These images are usually placed on web pages with an interesting content. Web banners work in the same way as the traditional advertisements: announce customers or visitors about a product or service and motivate the consumer to choose it, but different in that way that they can be checked in real time.

Web banners we create by using Flash technology:

- Flash banners, animated in Flash format
- Banners gif, animated,in gif format
- Static advertising banners gif, jpg.

Most popular web banner sizes are: 160x600, 300x250, 120x600, 120x240, 468x60 and 728x90 pixels. Not just size banner is important, but also their positioning within the web page.

Advertising through web banners is a very efficient and used tool, being in a continuously increasing day by day.

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